About Mommy Center

About Mommy Center

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Congratulations Ramya!

Hello Ladies! And, yes its been a L.O.N.G time since we all 'met-up' out here. But I just happened to chance on a reason to do so. And, what a wonderful one indeed. Thought I would let you all know that Ramya is now proud Mommy to her second son, Ishan. Congratulations Ramya and Vikram! I am guessing Ramya is the first on Mommy Center to be Mommy of two. So Congrats on that note too!

Ramya, I leave it to you to fill us with all the details on Ishan. Do so when you can because we all know how busy the initial days are, with a new baby around. I am sure big bro, Anish, is enjoying his lil sibling. We'd love to hear it all. Fill us in and do not forget to update your information on Mommy Center! And last but not the least - BESTEST LUCK WITH EVERYTHING!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Heartwarming foodie story

I really loved the way this was written...just thought i'd share it with you ladies:
Its from a food blogger with 2 kids...here she makes creamy homemade butter the old fashioned way, with help from her 2 elves :)


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